A closer look at who we are

Louis Steenkamp: Works Director
Qualified Boilermaker
27 Year Boilermaking experience
Works Director and shareholder of Stainless Fabricator
Louis is widely regarded as one of the best works directors with excellent planning and execution skills.
He has successfully fabricated:
Process Plant Equipment, Storage Vessels, Pressure vesselsm, Heat Exchangers, Ducting, Drums, Retorts, Columns, Thickeners, Silos, Fluid bed Dryers, Absorbers, Absorption towers and Impellers.
Paul Steenkamp Jnr: Project Manager
Paul handled in excess of R70 million orders in 2011 as project manager. He has extensive sales knowledge.
Paul will be handling the QA/QC and overall project management
Mr. Paul Steenkamp Snr ill be advising and assisting in the company.
Paul Steenkamp Snr
Co-owner with Mr Sakkie Nel of Stainless Fabricators from inception in 1981 to 2006.
Qualified Boilermaker and welder
RPL Engineering